C93 Are Haunted to announce a fourth Channelling in NYC at Brooklyn’s Warsaw, due to Orgasmic Demand!
C93 will Channel HER GHOST SINGS SPHERES, the LongAwaited, and LongDelayed, C93 album. See the section below for more details on this album, which has been sold out for years and which almost became a Ghost HerSelf.
Tickets are available on Friday 6 August 15.00 GMT / 10.00 EST HERE ←
C93 are OverMoon to announce that the LongDelayed album by her, announced as a limited lathe-edition several years ago after the Death of my Mother, will be performed in its entirety in NYC on November 1, 2022. The album will also be released on the same day.
The album was announced in 2016, appearing in two different lathe editions, which both sold out immediately. Since the album was so intimately connected to the Death of my Mother, my work on it has spiralled around, and into, itself and its selves. It has been the most difficult project I have ever worked on, and in, on a personal level.

Photograph of David by Ania Goszczyńska
Even in writing this, I notice how often I misspell, stumble, fall.
Following some worrying health problems that I have myself had investigated recently, I was realised by G+D during the tests and explorations to both perform the album in its entirety, and also to release the album, on the same day. I chose to do this with C93 on a 4th night added to our NYC PickNick next Hallowe’en. November 1 2022. I Remember, She Remembers, The Ghosts In The Embers.
I want to thank all of those who have waited so patiently for this album. I wish, too, to thank that small number who also waited patiently, but asked to be refunded—I completely understand why you gave up waiting. These Ghosts have been a Dark Road: this album has caused me a great deal of anxiety and sadness and stress, and so often I wanted to exorcise them. As many of you will know, some Grim Dreams that Haunt us smile as Cycles and Spheres, and wish us no Well.
And just as my Heads and Hearts have changed during the Singing of HER GHOST SINGS SPHERES, there will perhaps and probably be some differences in the final albums’ faces, and how they shall show themselves, to the features I thought they would wear when I first put the albums up for sale. The MakeUp on, and of, HER GHOST will perhaps not appear as I thought she might.
When the albums are ready to be sent out, we will send out updated details of the albums and their editions, and all of those who have bought the album will again be given the chance to decide whether they still wish to receive the album they ordered so long ago, or to receive a refund.
As promised at the time, this studio recording of the album will not be made available elsewhere or in any other format—no CD, no second edition or reissue, no downloads.
We will be performing an album that will be unavailable, as it is already sold out.
We will however be recording this Channelling of HER GHOST SINGS SPHERES for a possible release as a Channelled Live album.
And we are preparing a lot of GHOSTS that will be there to GARNISH Her GHOST and Her HOST.
Thank you again, all, for your patience with me and with HER GHOST SINGS SPHERES. The Spheres Whom She Sang Almost Drowned Me.
I will be adding a number of copies of sold-out items to my shop over the coming weeks. I normally keep a small number back of limited editions and other items which have small editions, in case any go missing in shipping.
Ania and I are OverMoon to announce her first solo art exhibition in the UK, held in Hastings, the town where we both live.
It runs from August 6 to August 29 at the Dirty Old Gallery—website here, and Instagram here—in Hastings Old Town, at 31A West Street, Hastings, TN34 3AN.
Ania’s Stellar and Lunar Work can be seen on her website here, and also on Instagram.
Framed and unframed prints, all signed and numbered, will be available for purchase, as well as silkscreened t-shirts from Cure Toujours, on Instagram (@curetoujours) and whose shop is here, and some other smaller items.
Ania has also worked with me, as many of you know, on many C93 releases, as well as with me books published or edited by me.
I absolutely and utterly LOVE her WORK! Which means YOU WILL TOO!
I was OverMoon+ to be asked to contribute a painting for the Hastings Pride 2021 LGBT+ Art Show.
The piece is called Love As Pink Moon (acrylic and pencil on tissue paper) and measures 10.25 x 14.2 inches / 26 x 36 cm in its frame. I have titled, signed, and dated it on the back thus: LOVE As PINK MOON / HASTINGS PRIDE 2021 ART AND DESIGN / [signature] D TIBET / JULY 2021 HASTINGS
Photograph of David by Hope Nothhelfer at The Crown
The payment for the piece, if it sells, will be shared between Hastings Pride and our favourite animal-rescue charity, Bexhill & Hastings Wildlife Rescue & Sanctuary, to whom I hope you will ALL immediately donate.
Enquiries for purchasing Love As Pink Moon can be made to The Crown—my favourite pub, where I so often go to study and write and dream and drink—where it will be exhibited. The exhibition lasts from August 13 to September 13 and the painting can picked up/sent to the purchaser after 13 September.
Email: (write DAVID TIBET LOVE AS PINK MOON ENQUIRY in the SUBJECT line): hello@thecrownhastings.co.uk
Phone: (+44) (0)1424 465100
This is absolutely one of the most exciting, and happiest, moments of my life! I and Ania Goszczyńska have been given permission by June-Alison Gibbons to republish her seminal and astonishing novel, The Pepsi-Cola Addict on our imprint Cashen’s Gap.
This novel, and June-Alison’s story, has been a major part of my life—and Ania’s life—for very many years. Even the search to find a first edition of this book has obsessed me for years.

(original cover from the dust-jacket of the New Horizon edition, 1982; from the collection of Ania Goszczyńska and David Tibet)
The Cashen’s Gap edition will appear in a numbered hardback edition, in dust-jacket, with a new introduction by the author, June-Alison Gibbons, and each copy will also include an insert signed by her.
This classic novel is one of the rarest books in modern fiction. Written when she was 17, and published in 1982 in a tiny edition of around 20 copies by the “vanity-press” publisher New Horizon in Bognor Regis, England, the author paid for the book to be printed. Most of the copies were subsequently destroyed when the publishers went into liquidation in the year of publication. I know of 6 copies in British Libraries, and 3 copies in private collections, including the copy that Ania and I own. The second copy is owned by a friend of ours in Australia, and the third copy is owned by an individual who worked with June-Alison and her late sister Jennifer when they were unjustly held in Broadmoor for 11 years.
Ania and I have been in touch with June-Alison for about 3 years; in a letter she wrote to us last month, she wrote: “In my 17 year old mind I always wished for Preston Wildey-King to become a house-hold name, and now everyone is talking about him!”
June-Alison never received any payments from the original publishers, and Ania and I will be paying all the profit from our edition to her.
This edition will not be available wholesale, and will be limited to 1 copy per customer and per order. We will not be taking pre-orders, and will make the book available for sale once we have received the copies from the printers.
In view of the extraordinary story of her and Jennifer’s lives, and the huge success of The Silent Twins, the book written about them by Marjorie Wallace, as well as the forthcoming film about them, we expect this limited, signed and numbered edition to sell out very quickly.
It is a huge honour for us to be working with June-Alison on this Cashen’s Gap edition of her powerful and tragic novel. Thank you so much, June-Alison, from Ania and me.
We are presently preparing for publication the first in an extensive list of titles which I will be publishing in a new series called MY TRUE AND FAITHFUL LIBRARY in association with Ania Goszczyńska, who will be designing the cover and endpapers, and our belovèd friends at Strange Attractor Press.
As I mentioned some time ago, the books I have chosen are all very difficult to find, idiosyncratic, and masterpieces in my Heart. They are primarily supernatural and/or mystical novels, but there are also some esoteric texts, as well as “Lateral And Sidereal Texts”—self-published autobiographies, and other irreal and unreal treasures. The list I have made of books I wish to publish in MY TRUE AND FAITHFUL LIBRARY recently has 40 entries. I doubt I will live long enough to publish them all!

For those unaware of the Biblical text to which the book’s title refers, please see St. Luke XI: 23-26 and St. Matthew XII: 43-45.
This edition of Swept And Garnished is being published with the approval, and assistance, of the author’s son, Donald, and his grandson, Nicholas, to both of whom I and Ania are very grateful indeed.
This title, and the other titles in MY TRUE AND FAITHFUL LIBRARY, will only be available from Strange Attractor Press, and not from us.
We expect Swept And Garnished to be released towards the end of this year. Can I suggest that you sign up to Strange Attractor’s mailing list here to receive updates on this title and all the other groovy and amazing books they publish, G+D bless them always !
Love to you all and always David+++